
Radiation Therapy in Nepal

Introduction: What is Radiotherapy? Radiotherapy, also known as radiation therapy, is a type of treatment used to fight cancer. It uses special rays of energy to kill cancer cells or stop them from growing. How Does Radiotherapy Work? When someone gets cancer, their cells start growing out of control. Radiotherapy works by targeting these fast-growing […]

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Palliative Care in Nepal

Introduction: Imagine you’re playing your favorite game, and suddenly you feel really sick. Your body hurts, and you’re too tired to even enjoy playing anymore. That’s when a special kind of care called “palliative care” comes in to help you feel better, even when you’re really sick. What is Palliative Care? Palliative care is like

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The Role of HPV (Human Papillomavirus) in Cervical Cancer and Its Transmission

Introduction: Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is a group of viruses known for their association with various cancers, particularly cervical cancer. Among the many strains of HPV, certain types have been identified as high-risk factors for the development of cervical cancer. Understanding the role of HPV in cervical cancer and its mode of transmission is crucial for

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Update in latest cancer research. Cancer is a deadly disease that affects millions of people around the world, including Nepal. With new advancements in cancer research and treatment, there is now hope for those battling this disease. However all new research may not be directly applicable to our patients and the benifit are marginal in


KCC’s newly renovated Day Care Chemotherapy Unit provides World-class care

Cancer treatment is usually stressful for patients and care-givers. So relaxation of mind and body is very important for cancer patients. Kathmandu Cancer Center located at Nala Road, Tathali now offers a safe and peaceful treatment  environment for our patients in the newly renovated day care unit. Services provided by the day care unit include

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के खाने चक्की ले फोक्सो को क्यान्सरको उपचार हुन्छ ?

हाल फोक्सोको क्यान्सरको बिरामीलाई EGFR Mutation, ALK र ROS1 आदि जिनको को नियमित परिक्षण गरिन्छ । यसमा mutation देखिएको बिरामीले खाने चक्की Gefitinib, Erlotinib ,Osimertinib नेपालमै सुपथ मुल्यमा उपलब्ध छ । महंगो औषधी जस्तै Crizotinib पनि सहायतास्वरुप निसुल्क उपलब्ध छ । के तपाईलाई थाहा छ फोक्सोको क्यान्सर पुरुषमा देखिने सबैभन्दा मुख्य क्यान्सर हो? कुल क्यान्सरबाट

के खाने चक्की ले फोक्सो को क्यान्सरको उपचार हुन्छ ? Read More »

ब्रेन ट्युमर वा ब्रेन क्यान्सर – सम्पुर्ण जानकारी

ब्रेन ट्यूमर के हो ?  ब्रेन ट्यूमरलाई  एक भयावह रोगका रुपमा लिइन्छ ।सामान्य भाषामा भन्दा ट्युमर भनेको कुनैपनि अंगमा अनावश्यक मासु पलाउनु हो ।मस्तिष्कमा अनावश्यक मासुको डल्लो पलाउनुलाई नै ब्रेन ट्युमर भनिन्छ । मानिसमा  120 भन्दा बढी विभिन्न प्रकारका ब्रेन ट्यूमरहरू हुनसक्छन ।ब्रेन ट्युमर मुख्यत  २ खालका हुन्छन  -नबढने खालको (बेनाईन) : यी ट्युमरहरु नफैलिने

ब्रेन ट्युमर वा ब्रेन क्यान्सर – सम्पुर्ण जानकारी Read More »

Best Treatment Options for Advanced Lung Cancer

Lung cancer occurs when cells in the lungs are damaged or become cancerous and begin to grow uncontrollably. While lung cancer can occur in both smokers and non-smokers, smoking greatly increases your risk of developing the disease, as does exposure to secondhand smoke. Unfortunately, most cases of lung cancer are advanced by the time they’re

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