Berry is a general term used for any small fruit containing a seed. They are very colorful and usually have a distinct tarty taste. It is usually not cultivated and found in the wild, however it is become a fashion to grow them at home, since they make a good decorative plant. They are available in market during spring and summer seasons.
Berries have long been known to be one of the healthiest fruits available on the market today, but did you know that there are certain varieties of berries out there that are even healthier than others? Often dubbed as super-fruits, these berries contain higher concentrations of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals than many other fruits out there, making them an absolute staple in your healthy diet. Read on to find out more about these super-fruits that you can get in Nepal!

Kafal berry
“Berries are a wonderful source of vitamin and anti-oxidants. Studies show these antioxidants protect the body from cell damage that could lead to cancers as well as heart disease and other chronic health condition.”
Eat berries that are fresh, frozen or dried.

It is very popular fruit due to their desirable sweetness, juicy texture, and attractive aroma. Moreover, they are consumed in large quantities, either as fresh fruits or incorporated in the preparation of other foods, such as jams, juices, smoothies, pies, ice creams, among others
Strawberries are available fresh in late spring, and as a frozen dessert at other times of the year. As a low-calorie food , strawberries can be included in many healthy weight-loss diets. Strawberries contain important antioxidants and vitamins that can help them support their weight loss goals.Strawberry can be easily grown in home garden or rooftop gardens.
Did you know bhui-kafal is also a type of strawberry. It is called mock strawberry.
Raspberry [ Aiselu- ऐसेलु ]

Aiselu, Rubus ellipticus, commonly known as golden Himalayan raspberry or as yellow Himalayan raspberry, is an Asian species of thorny fruiting shrub in the rose family.
The berry is sweet in taste and is used for the remedy of indigestion, to enhance hunger etc. Raspberries are low in calories and high in fiber. Fresh raspberries include 23% of the recommended daily intake of vitamin C, and sweeten baked goods to a nearly undetectable amount of calories. The water content of raspberries makes handling the fruit especially easy; this is helpful when you are making jam or another food that involves a lot of stirring. Raspberries can be used with other berries in desserts, such as pies and cobblers, and blended into smoothies for added flavor and nutrients.
In the eastern part of Nepal, these berries together with barberry(chutro) are used to make famous ‘hinwa” wine
Mulberry [ Kimbu – किम्बु ]

It is called kimbu in Nepali. They are eaten both fresh and dry. It is processed to make fruit salads, and dried fruits. It has abundant content of anthocyanins and other phenolics compound which are anti-oxidant and have many health benefits.
Mulberries contain a variety of nutrients, but most notably antioxidants. Antioxidants help prevent cancer and cell damage, so mulberries may protect your cells from free radicals that cause premature aging and disease. Mulberries also support weight loss and immune health. Research suggests they may be beneficial for diabetes because they slow sugar absorption after eating, resulting in a slower rise in blood sugar levels. They’re also believed to lower cholesterol by increasing HDL (good) cholesterol while decreasing LDL (bad) cholesterol.
Mulberry leaf are harvested for silk-worm farming.
Interesting fact :
Do you know in botany “Tomatoes, peppers, cranberries, eggplants and kiwis ” are berry while “strawberry and raspberry” are not berry.
Gooseberry [ Amala – अमला ]
Gooseberry or ‘Amala‘ can be eaten raw or processed to make dry fruit or pickles. Gooseberries are rich in antioxidants, such as phytonutrients, and vitamins E and C, which may help protect your brain and fight aging, type 2 diabetes, cancer, and heart disease. It has found to be beneficial in cancer in some studies.
The fruit contains a wide variety of vitamins and nutrients, including Vitamin C and pectin. In fact, one cup of gooseberries provides more than 40 percent of your daily fiber needs—and they’re also an excellent source of antioxidants like quercetin and kaempferol. These compounds help prevent free radical damage to cells and may even play a role in preventing cancer. Gooseberries are commonly used to treat diarrhea, coughs and colds as well as stomach ailments such as gas or bloating. They can be eaten raw or cooked into pies or jams.
Bayberry [ Kafal- काफल ]
The fruit looks somewhat like deep-red colored raspberries. They barely have any pulp, and have a big round seed in the center. Since they are very refreshing to eat, they are well-liked by many Nepalese. The fresh fruits have a reputation for being a little acidic even when they are ripe but sourer when unripe. They have a limited harvesting period and are available for a short period of time only.
This berry has numerous health benefits and includes vitamin C, zinc, manganese, iron and phosphorous. It contains anti oxidants which help treat high blood pressure (hypertension) and high blood sugar levels effectively. Bayberry also lowers cholesterol level which aids in heart health.
Barberry [ Chutro – चुत्रो ]

Chutro is a wild medicinal plant well known as Barberries. Though small, barberry ( Berberis aristata ) is a powerful super-fruit. The fruits of the species are eaten by people living in areas where the plant is found, often as a dessert. They are juicy and contain plenty of sugars and other useful nutrients that supplement their diet. Native to Asia and Europe, it was widely used in traditional medicine as well as by folk healers. Some of its compounds have shown anti-inflammatory and antiallergenic properties. These berries also contain several valuable vitamins (including Vitamin C) and can help boost your immune system!
Acai Berry [ Jamuno- जामुनो ]

Acai berries are 1-inch (2.5-cm) round fruits that have a dark purple skin and yellow flesh surrounding a large seed.
Not only is acai packed with antioxidants, but it’s also rich in fiber. While on a weight loss diet, you may want to stay away from foods that are high in sugar and calories as these can lead to weight gain. A study published by researchers at Oregon State University found that acai berries can be an effective tool for helping people lose weight, likely due to their antioxidant properties and other health benefits.
Nepalese Firethorn (Pyracantha ) plants have orange-red berries and needle-like thorns. They are called ghangaru (घँगारु) in Nepali. Police baton is made from its stick.