IMRT : Better and Safer cancer treatment.

IMRT means Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy. It is an advanced technique of radiotherapy treatment, which is better and safer than conventional radiotherapy. It is available at KCC Cancer Center. This center is the first private cancer hospital in Nepal to provide this treatment.

Multiple research have shown that IMRT leads to safer treatment and clinically proven better results

So how is it different from traditional conventional Radiotherapy?

In old-generation Radiotherapy (2D/3D), the radiation dose is in equal intensity all around.

Although the tumor isn’t missed, but it overdoses the organs around it – which is just a ‘collateral damage’. With proper use of IMRT , this collateral damage to surrounding healthy tissue can be avoided.

In IMRT, dose of radiation for different volumes around the tumor is at different intensity. The tumor receives the desired dose of radiation. The organs near it, which do not have a tumor, receive very minimum dose of radiation. this ‘organ sparing’ pays back – the patients have minimal side effects and the tumor control is better.

IMRT treatment planning : Let’s discuss a scenario.

This gentleman presented with a tumor just below his brain (nasopharynx), and had lymph nodes in his neck. These structures are very close of vital structures like eyes, brain, spinal cord and parotid glands.

IMRT Radiotherapy cancer treatment

IMRT in Nasopharyngeal Cancer

Tumor is near vital organs. The tumor (Green) is very close to the brain (Pearly white). There is another cancerous lymph gland in the neck, near the spinal cord. These are typical case which needs IMRT. IMRT helps us save the brain and other important organs from radiation without compromising the dose on the tumor.

Radiation Oncologists work together with radiation physicists to design radiotherapy plans.Each volume is drawn with the help of special software and treatment is planned. We use MIM Software’s radiation oncology solution for drawing contour of tumor and other organs, fusion of CT, MRI and PET-CT Images as well as other clinical and research work.

It usually takes a few days after radiotherapy planning to start the treatment. Each treatment sessions take a few minutes only. Usually, sessions are 5 days a week, for 5 to 7 weeks. The duration depends on the cancer type and organ involved.

IMRT radiotherapy in Nepal.

In conclusion, IMRT is the newer radiation technique, which is better and safe. We at KCC Cancer Hospital were pioneer in IMRT treatment in Nepal and have been doing IMRT regularly.

Please contact us to discuss the options and the facilities available at our hospital. We would be happy to answer your queries.

For more details please call us at 01-5091629